Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chick-a-dee Chalkboards

So, last Christmas, my family and I did a "Homemade" Christmas, meaning that the gifts we exchanged were homemade and not costly.  So, after sometime of thinking about it, I figured out what I wanted to make. 

A little background: I get so excited at the thought of using power tools, so I do try to come up with any reason at all to make it happen.  One day, I will own my own table saw, and my unfinished basement will be converted into a wood shop. 

Now, as a disclaimer, I do not follow technical safety protocol as I don't even own a work bench.  But I, ever so carefully, make do by fashioning a few similarly sized ice chests or a few seating benches into some pretty decent saw horses.  I know, I need to watch the free section of Craigslist more often... Any who, the moral of the story: Be careful, tools are sharp.  Enough said.

So, the Chick-a-dee Chalkboards:

Scrap wood
Chalk board paint (found some in Home Depot for cheap on clearance in the paint dept. a few months back- SCORE!)
Sander/ Sandpaper
Acrylic paint (in color of choice)
Metal hangers
Drill and drill bit
Metal snips

Drew it out.  These planks were left over from a shelf I made based on the plans from (Which by the way is an amazing website).
Used the Jig to cut roughly along the lines I drew.  Please be careful when handling power tools.  It's probably best if you use a real work bench instead of my make shift work bench like this (this would actually be a wooden bench I made Summer 2012 and painted to match our front porch). 
Sand edges and front smooth.  You can use an electric or a sanding block.
Paint, paint, paint.  I did 3 layers.  May not have needed so much had I used primer.  Meh.
I used an old, dry rag to paint around the edges.  I was going for imperfect, so just a rough, quick go over did the job.  Then paint the little eye and eye lashes (I used my kids crummy paint brushes, so don't fret if you don't have the fancy stuff, you could probably even use a tooth pick).  I then drilled holes for the tail "feathers", hanger, and legs (Probably could have don't this BEFORE the paint, but it turned out just fine).  Next, I snipped some metal hangers and bent them through the holes I drilled.  Pretty straight forward.  I wanted to make it, therefore, I did. 

Its funny how these days, making things with your hands seems so far fetched.  I really enjoyed this little project because I felt so empowered to make my little Chick-a-dees from stuff I had around my house, and had a vision of what I wanted to do- and it worked!  I can follow directions, but to create your own, to write your own directions, no matter how big or how small your Chick-a-dee may be- its very satisfying.  So, don't be afraid of writing your own instructions, of envisioning your own project.  Have fun with it.  :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

LEGO Birthday Party for a 5 year old

Luke's Lego Extravaganza!!

This was such a blast!  I had a ton of fun with this, in part because my sister was in town.  So we may or may not have stayed up till the wee hours of the morning drinking wine and crafting until our fingers were blistered while we rambled incoherently about nonsensical things that at the time were absolutely hysterical.  Ever have those moments?  Yea, me neither. 

The bottom line, we had fun with it.  It's the only way to do something like this.  Also, let me tell ya what, thank the Lord for Pintrest because HOLY CRAP does that make things nifty.  Anywho, without further ado...

The FREE Lego Guy print outs were from ( ).  I initially had issues with the file, but I contacted Dorie, the graphic designer who created them and she emailed me the file.  She was very, very nice and also very timely considering I was asking for a free file of her work.  If I ever have a need for some graphic design work, I know the first person that will come to mind. 
And, I threw together this napkin holder "House" thingy.  My sister also made a nifty utensil holder but somehow I didn't get a photo of... sorry.  I'm ticked about it too.

Chocolate Lego Guys and M&Ms.  Can't go wrong with that!  Unless you're allergic to chocolate, in which case, I don't have to state the terrible-ness of that sort of situation.
These adorable "Thank You" goodie bag tags were a FREE download, but for the life of me I can't find it again.  If you do, please let me know as I'd like to give due credit for this little gem.  I loved how these turned out.  I did place red paper behind because I bought velum bags that were a smidge too large.  Problem solved.  Plus, I like the red.  :) 

I bought the ice cube trays/candy trays/crayon trays on amazon for like 13 bucks for both the Lego brick and Lego guy mold.  I thought that was a smokin deal.  Plus, who doesn't like little Lego guy ice cubes.  It makes ANY toddler smile when they see a Lego Minifig diving in their cup.  Its the little things... But, I digress...
One tip when making crayons: use Crayola.  Now, I'm not a crazy 'name brand' kind of girl and I avoid being a walking billboard (ie. logos written obnoxiously across my clothing) BUT, what I found was that their colors had less "filler wax" in other words, the crayons worked better because the color and the wax didn't separate as much.  The ones with the cheap crayon wax separated, so half the crayon didn't write.  I know, lame.  So, learn from me before you snip a trillion cheap crayons unnecessarily... CRAYOLA.  Oh, and who cares if they are used ones.  Recycle, reduce reuse my friends.  This is a perfect use for broken crayons and crayon nubs.  Also makes fabulous gifts. 

The kiddos and a few baby holders.  :) 

My lovely sister assisting with the coloring of the Lego Guy coloring printout. 

So, I just drew the Lego faces on yellow cups.  There were a few spare from a few parties back, so viola.  I am resourceful when I drink wine... and I digress further...

More Lego Guy printouts. 

I made the bunting from scrapbooking paper.  I just cut out triangles and folded about 1/2 inch tabs at the top and glued yarn under the tabs.  Done.  I love bunting.  I wish I were motivated to sew some. 

For food, we ordered pizza.  There's a local joint here that we like to order from when we can.  Its a 'Mom and Pop' biz, so we try to support those establishments when financially feasible.  Instead of cake, Luke made a special request for Brownies (The apple doesn't fall far with that one).  So, naturally, I had to oblige.  We served it on a tray made of Legos topped with a sheet of Plexiglas so the Lego stand could be seen below it.  It was cute, my sis made it.  She's just so dang crafty.

I had games planned, but, they had so much fun just playing in our play room with toys, Lego-ing, and goofing off, that I decided that it made little to no sense to stop the fun only to facilitate fun.  Let the kiddies play, I say!  And they did.  And it was good.  :)  I do wish I took more photos, though.  So, my apologies.  I usually take an equal but opposite position on the photography spectrum. 

We had a blast.  Parents and kids alike were playing Legos.  It was a great time had by all.  I am still getting compliments about how great Luke's party was.  But, most importantly, Luke loved it.  :)  Happy Birthday to my big boy!