Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cold out- Keep warm! Workout and post workout meal

It's a very snowy Sunday here in Colorado.  As a matter of fact, we're on a blizzard warning until 5pm this evening.  But, Sunday is one of the few days that the Hubbs and I both get to the gym at the same time, so we trudge through the snow and get 'er done.  Okay, okay- confession: it's not 5 miles one way, it's not all up hill, and we are not barefoot.  It's only 1 mile away and we have AWD on the swagger wagon.

My workout today consisted of a bit of this and a bit of that- and a lot of sweat. 
SB=Stability Ball, MB=Medicine Ball

RDLs (Roman Dead Lift) 4x10
One leg SLOW squats 4x10

Plyo/Cardio Circuits: Do one set of each before you move on to repeating so that you are constantly alternating in your circuit.

First Mini-Circuit- 4x10
SB Knee Ups
Ice skaters
Push ups

Second Mini-Circuit: 4x10
(Cat burglar) Box jumps- these are controlled, quiet box jumps
SB sumo squat alt. knee ups (Hold SB over head during squat, bring knee up to chest when standing from squat, alternate knee up for each squat)
Alt. leg donkey kicks

Third Mini-Circuit: 4x10
Alt. jump lunges
Mountain Climbers
SB skiers

Fourth Mini-Circuit: 4x10
Push ups
(Cat burglar) Box jumps
Calf raises

If you are not drenched in sweat by the time you've finished the second mini-circuit, you're not doing it fast enough.

THEN... finish off with an Ab-blast and some stretches.

Ab Blast:
Side Crunch 25x each side
MB Situps 2x25
Leg throws 2x25 (random)
Bicycle kicks 2x25
MB Russian Twists 2x25

Oh yea, it hurts so good!  Took me about 50 minutes not including stretches.  This is a great body toner, cardio fitness or all around 'I want my muscles to burn in two days' kinda workout.  I did not get this off of a fancy website or workout video, I made it up because it gets me into great toned shape, stronger and fitter.  I do switch up the plyos each time and do some variation of the above a few times a week. 

Additionally, I PREFER to do more than one lift with weights, but I was somewhat hell bent on Push Press (alternating sets with bent rows) today but these two buff dudes were hogging the weight cage for the entire hour!  Ugh.  Take half that weight off and you might not compromise your technique on the next set...  Okay, yea I was a little peeved, but geez, really?! I do recognize the flaw in my logic and could very well have completed push press outside of the cage.  However, I'm set in my ways and I do firmly believe that push press should be done in a weight cage with spotter bars.

Disclaimer: Please be responsible when attempting a workout, consult a physician, etc. to ensure your personal safety and avoid injury.  I learned Power lifting technique under supervision of an instructor using a PVC pipe until I "graduated" to the big kid barbell.

So THEN I round up the kiddos from the child sitting, and let the two big ones climb around the awesome play structure in the rec center while I nursed my 6 month old.  Yes, that's right, I nurse in public.  Great calorie burner in addition to all of the amazing health benefit for your little one! 
*Note: if you do nurse after a work out, please make sure you have de-sweated applicable areas.  Enough said. 

Once home, Husband made awesome tacos consisting of pinto beans cooked up with some peppers, onions, salt and garlic, fresh tomatoes, jalapenos, pico-de-gallo, spicy green chilies and avocado.  I then proceeded to load it up with some fresh organic baby spinach.  I named him (the taco, not the husband)"The-Post-Work-Out-Spinach-Blast-Vegan-Taco" and ate 'him?' (haha oh I amuse myself, stay with me here) with an adorable little clementine cutie on the side.  Then I ate another one just like 'him'.  Okay, I'm done.

Have a great Sunday.  Even if it's snowing, don't be afraid to break a sweat.  For the Mom's out there, it's your ticket to sanity!

What's your favorite lift and why?  Mine is the snatch <insert snigger here>.  Snatch is sort of the 'love child' <repeat snigger> of the Over Head Squats and the Power Clean, which are my next favorite lifts.  Check out the youtube video below (No, that is not me).
Female Olympic Lifter Demonstrating Snatch

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